Post-conference masterclasses - Thursday, 8 August

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The post-conference masterclasses provide attendees with morning and afternoon tea breaks and a 1-hour lunch break allowing for extra networking opportunities and in-depth learning.

The masterclass start at 09:00 and finish at 17:00.

Masterclass A: Maximising procurement impact: strategies for integrating ESG principles

In recent years, the integration of ESG factors into procurement strategies has proven to be a catalyst for enhanced reputation and financial performance across Australian organisations. In this comprehensive 1-day Masterclass, participants will delve into the intricate landscape of ESG procurement, master how to build a business case for incorporating ESG into procurement functions, and then effectively action that business case to drive exceptional results to the reputational, environmental, and bottom-line of your organisation.

Key Learning Objectives:

Building a business case for incorporating ESG into procurement functions

  • Aligning your procurement, ESG and business goals into one comprehensive and seamless strategy
  • Unveiling organisational benefits

Identifying the tangible advantages for organisations that adopt a proactive stance towards ESG integration in procurement processes to secure buy-in and support with stakeholders

  • Embedding ESG principles into supplier contracts

Learning effective strategies for incorporating ESG criteria into supplier contracts and explore mechanisms for enforcement

  • Establishing measurement frameworks

Developing methodologies for measuring and tracking carbon reduction efforts and supplier sustainability initiatives, including the establishment of relevant KPIs

  • Benchmarking and peer comparison

Examining critical components and KPIs essential for benchmarking against industry peers and ensuring alignment with best practices

By the end of the Masterclass, you will possess a comprehensive understanding of:

  • The interconnectedness of ESG principles with procurement strategies
  • Tangible benefits organisations can derive from proactive ESG adoption in 2024
  • Practical methods for integrating ESG criteria into supplier contracts
  • Strategies for effectively measuring and tracking sustainability efforts
  • Essential components for benchmarking against industry peers and fostering continuous improvement in procurement practices
Masterclass B: Winning government tenders: leveraging social value and ESG for competitive advantage

In the dynamic context of government procurement, integrating social value and ESG criteria into tender processes is increasingly becoming a decisive factor. This intensive 1-day masterclass will equip businesses with the knowledge and tools to harness these criteria in their tender submissions to government, enhancing their chances of winning work by aligning with these evolving priorities.

Crafting a winning tender strategy

  • Developing strategies to integrate social value and ESG into government tenders
  • Aligning these strategies with specific methodologies for maximum impact

Social value propositions

  • Identifying and articulating social benefits that align with government’s objectives
  • Practical exercises in crafting compelling social value statements and case studies

ESG criteria integration

  • Detailed exploration of key ESG criteria for government tenders
  • Tools and techniques for evidencing ESG commitments and outcomes

Stakeholder engagement and management

  • Strategies for engaging with stakeholders to boost the social and environmental impact of proposals
  • Managing relationships with key government stakeholders

Practical application, case studies & evaluation techniques

  • Applying learned concepts through interactive workshops and real-life tender scenarios
  • Analysing successful tenders and understanding what worked and why
  • Establishing feedback loops to continuously improve tender submissions

Navigating compliance and legal considerations

  • Understanding the legal & regulatory implications of ESG claims in tenders

By the end of the masterclass, you will have gained practical strategies and tools for integrating social value and ESG into your tenders to meet and exceed government expectations.


Michael Lim
Executive Director - Social Value
Sedo Group

Rebecca Lee
Lead - Social Value
Sedo Group